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May 2022 Monthly Check In

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the month ahead:

Reflect on April:

What are you grateful for from the month of April: people, places, things?

What goals or projects did you make progress on in April?

What do you want to leave behind from April?

What do you want to remember from April?

What are lessons from April?

Plan for May

What are you saying yes to in May?

What are you saying no to in May?

What is stressful about the upcoming month? Free write about whatever some to mind:

What is motivating in May?

What do you want to check off your to do list in May?

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the month ahead:

Reflect on April

What are you grateful for from the month of April: people, places, things?

What goals or projects did you make progress on in April?

What do you want to leave behind from April?

What do you want to remember from April?

What are lessons from April?

Plan for May

What are you saying yes to in May?

What are you saying no to in May?

What is stressful about the upcoming month?  Free write about whatever some to mind:

What is motivating in May?

What do you want to check off your to do list in May?

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Weekly Check In 5/2/2022

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

Top 3 priorities for the week ahead: What do you want to give your time, energy and attention to?

How can you ease into the week with intention?

How do you want to stay connected to yourself this week?

Which of your strengths will be most helpful to you this week?

If you need help this week, where can you ask for help?

If you don’t need help, where can you offer to help?

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week?  What didn’t go as planned?

Top 3 priorities for the week ahead: What do you want to give your time, energy and attention to?

How can you ease into the week with intention?

How do you want to stay connected to yourself this week?

Which of your strengths will be most helpful to you this week?

If you need help this week, where can you ask for help?

If you don’t need help, where can you offer to help?

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Weekly Check In 4/25/2022

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well? What didn’t go quite as planned?

Top 3 things spend time, energy, and attention on this week?

What do you want to get done before the end of the month?

What do you want to give extra attention to this week?

How do you want to take care of yourself this week?

What is a word or phrase you want to remind yourself of your priorities this week or help you move through the week?

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well? What didn’t go quite as planned?

Top 3 things spend time, energy, and attention on this week?

What do you want to get done before the end of the month?

What do you want to give extra attention to this week?

How do you want to take care of yourself this week?

What is a word or phrase you want to remind yourself of your priorities this week or help you move through the week?

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Weekly Check In 4/18/2022

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:
What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What are the top 3 things/priorities that will get your time energy and attention?

What do you need to create the most time for this week?

Where are you going to need discipline this week?

What is the dominant emotion you are feeling as you head into the week. Is it one you want to have? If not, do you want to make any changes to that?

What do you want your relationship to technology to look like?

What is your ration of solitude to social time this week?

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

Top 3 priorities this week (to give your time, energy and attention to)

What do you want to say yes to this week?

What do you want to say no to?

What do you want more of?

What do you want less of?

What is the busiest part of your week? What it the quietest part of your week? How does that affect your planning?

What will set you up for success?

What bright spots you are looking forward to?

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Weekly Check In 4/11/2022

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What are the top 3 things/priorities that will get your time energy and attention?

What do you need to create the most time for this week?

Where are you going to need discipline this week?

What is the dominant emotion you are feeling as you head into the week. Is it one you want to have? If not, do you want to make any changes to that?

What do you want your relationship to technology to look like?

What is your ration of solitude to social time this week?

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What are the top 3 things/priorities that will get your time energy and attention?

What do you need to create the most time for this week?

Where are you going to need discipline this week? 

What is the dominant emotion you are feeling as you head into the week.  Is it one you want to have?  If not, do you want to make any changes to that?

What do you want your relationship to technology to look like?

What is your ration of solitude to social time this week?

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Weekly Check In 4/3/2022

Here are some questions for reflection and self coaching to help you plan your week:

What went well this past week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are your top 3 priorities to give your time, energy and attention to this week?

What is a feeling or emotion you want to cultivate this week for yourself and how do you want to do that?

What is a feeling or emotion you want to cultivate among other people this week and how do you want to do that?

Is there something that is stuck? How do you want to get it unstuck?

What do I need to know to take action?

Who is one of your favorite people that you want to connect with this week and how?

Where do you want o build in rest, reset or recovery time? Where is the margin in your week?

Here are some questions for reflection and self coaching to help you plan your week:

What went well this past week?  What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are your top 3 priorities to give your time, energy and attention to this week?

What is a feeling or emotion you want to cultivate this week for yourself and how do you want to do that?

What is a feeling or emotion you want to cultivate among other people this week and how do you want to do that?

 Is there something that is stuck? How do you want to get it unstuck?

What do I need to know to take action?

Who is one of your favorite people that you want to connect with this week and how?

Where do you want o build in rest, reset or recovery time?  Where is the margin in your week?

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April 2022 Monthly Check In

Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.

Reflections on the past month

Who or what are you grateful for from the month of March?

What are the goals or projects where you are seeing progress (no matter how small that progress is, it still counts)?

What didn’t go quite as planned that you are going to let go?

What are your favorite memories from the month of march? What do you want to remember from this past month?

What are the lessons you are taking away from March that you want to take with you into this coming month?


Reflections on the month ahead

What are you saying yes to and what are you saying no to in the Month of April?

What are you stressed about in the month of April? What might cause anxiety? Do a little brain dump to get them out o your mind.

What are you excited about, or what is drawing you forward in this next month?

What are your to do items for April? What are the things you want to get done and move forward?

Is there a word or a phrase, or maybe a mantra to pull you into the month?

What do you need to know to move forward and take action?

Here are some prompts and questions to help you reflect and self coach on the previous and upcoming month.

Reflections on the past month

Who or what are you grateful for from the month of March?

What are the goals or projects where you are seeing progress (no matter how small that progress is, it still counts)?

What didn’t go quite as planned that you are going to let go?

What are your favorite memories from the month of march?  What do you want to remember from this past month?

What are the lessons you are taking away from March that you want to take with you into this coming month?

Reflections on the month ahead

What are you saying yes to and what are you saying no to in the Month of April?

What are you stressed about in the month of April?  What might cause anxiety?  Do a little brain dump to get them out o your mind.

What are you excited about, or what is drawing you forward in this next month?

What are your to do items for April? What are the things you want to get done and move forward?

Is there a word or a phrase, or maybe a mantra to pull you into the month?

What do you need to know to move forward and take action?

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Weekly Check In 3/28/2022

Weekly check in 3/28/2022

What went well last week?

What didn’t go well?

What is a word or a phrase to help you close out this month (and/or quarter)?

What can you do for this transition into a new month/quarter?

What would help you to feel less stressed this week?

Where can you build in margin?

What can you make time for this week that is just for you?

How can you treat or reward yourself this week? What are bright spots you can look forward to?

Here are some questions for reflection and self coaching:

What went well last week?

What didn’t go well?

What is a word or a phrase to help you close out this month (and/or quarter)?

What can you do for this transition into a new month/quarter?

What would help you to feel less stressed this week?

Where can you build in margin?

What can you make time for this week that is just for you?

How can you treat or reward yourself this week?  What are bright spots you can look forward to?

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Weekly Check In 3/22/2022

Weekly Check In March 22, 2022

Here are some questions for self coaching and reflection:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What 3 things do you want to give your time energy and attention to?

What would be a good start for this week?

What would you like your relationship to technology or to news media to look like this week?

What do you need this week?

What’s on your list to get done before Q1 ends? Or finish before the end of March?

#weeklycheckin #planning #reflection #selfcoach #priorities #selfcare

Here are some questions for self coaching and reflection:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What 3 things do you want to give your time energy and attention to?

What would be a good start for this week?

What would you like your relationship to technology or to news media to look like this week?

What do you need this week?

What’s on your list to get done before Q1 ends? Or finish before the end of March?

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Weekly Check In 3/7/2022

What went well this week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things you are going to give your time, energy and attention to this week? Top 3 priorities this week?

What is it you really need out of this week, and how do you want to build it in?

More quiet time, more social time, wrapping up a project?

What things are you not going to get done this week? What can you internally procrastinate, table and cross off your list for this week?

What do you want to try out this week that is new to you?

Where do you want to build in rest, reset, recovery, and/or reflection?

Who are you thankful for? How do you want to tell or show them?

What went well this week?  What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things you are going to give your time, energy and attention to this week?  Top 3 priorities this week?

What is it you really need out of this week, and how do you want to build it in?

More quiet time, more social time, wrapping up a project?

What things are you not going to get done this week?  What can you internally procrastinate, table and cross off your list for this week?

What do you want to try out this week that is new to you?

Where do you want to build in rest, reset, recovery, and/or reflection? 

Who are you thankful for?  How do you want to tell or show them?

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March 2022

March 2022 Monthly Check In

Here are some questions for self coaching:

Reflect on February:

Who or what are you most grateful for in the month of February?

2 months into the year, what are the goals and projects where there is progress and growth?

What are you choosing grace over guilt about from February? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the memories you want to reflect on and document from February?

Lessons learned from February that I want to carry through the rest of the year:


Plan for March:

What do you want to say yes to? What do you want to say no to?

What is on your mind for the month of March that is stressful or worrisome? What do you have control over? What actions can you take?

Excited about or hopeful for in March?

What are your To Dos for March?

#monthlycheckin #reflect #plan #productivity #GTD #selfcare #brightspots #todolist #selfcoaching #selfcarecoach #conflictcoach

Monthly Check In

Here are some questions for self coaching:

Reflect on February:

Who or what are you most grateful for in the month of February?

2 months into the year, what are the goals and projects where there is progress and growth?

What are you choosing grace over guilt about from February? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the memories you want to reflect on and document from February?

Lessons learned from February that I want to carry through the rest of the year:


Plan for March:

What do you want to say yes to? What do you want to say no to?

What is on your mind for the month of March that is stressful or worrisome? What do you have control over? What actions can you take?

Excited about or hopeful for in March?

What are your To Dos for March?

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Weekly Check In 2/28/2022

Weekly Check In 2/28/2022

Here are some questions for reflection and self coaching:

What went well last week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

3 things to give most time, energy, and attention to this week?

What is serving you right now? What is not serving you right now?

What feeling or emotion do you most want to cultivate for yourself and how do you want to go about doing that?

What intention do you want to set for yourself with news and other forms of media this week?

What kind of self care you can give yourself this week?

Here are some questions for reflection and self coaching:

What went well last week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

3 things to give most time, energy, and attention to this week?

What is serving you right now? What is not serving you right now?

What feeling or emotion do you most want to cultivate for yourself and how do you want to go about doing that?

What intention do you want to set for yourself with news and other forms of media this week?

What kind of self care you can give yourself this week?

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