check in Darby Calm check in Darby Calm

10/10/2022 Weekly Check In

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well this week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time energy and attention to this week?

How would you like to ease into the week with intention?

What is stressing you out about this week? What is your plan to deal with it?

What routine needs more attention this week?

What are you really looking forward to this week?


Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:


What went well this week?  What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time energy and attention to this week?

How would you like to ease into the week with intention?

What is stressing you out about this week?  What is your plan to deal with it?

What routine needs more attention this week?

What are you really looking forward to this week?

Self Care Practices


portrait of a water lily


Where can you take pleasure in simple things?


I finally made it to a new to me trail and can’t wait to go back and explore more!


What have you been wanting to do?


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Hey there! If you find what I do helpful and would like to support my work and make it more accessible and affordable to more people, please consider making a donation.

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check in Darby Calm check in Darby Calm

10/3/2022 Weekly Check In

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time, energy, and attention to this week?

How do you want to ease into the week with intention?

Is there a habit or routine that needs more time and attention this week?

What will help you to feel less stress this week?

What relationship do you want to have with the news or media this week?

What can you do this week that is just for you and no one else?


Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:


What went well last week?  What didn’t go as planned?

What went well last week?  What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time, energy, and attention to this week?

How do you want to ease into the week with intention?

Is there a habit or routine that needs more time and attention this week?

What will help you to feel less stress this week?

What relationship do you want to have with the news or media this week?

What can you do this week that is just for you and no one else?

Self Care Practices


A late night random photo accidentally taken while sitting in my truck, charging my devices when I lost power during Hurricane Ian. The dashboard lights in the photo appear to be blown off the right side of the picture.


What do you do with the unexpected?


Post hurricane visit to the beach. Serapes, beach grasses the dark blue ocean and a blanket of grey clouds in the sky.


What opportunities can you take advantage of?


Support my work

Hey there! If you find what I do helpful and would like to support my work and make it more accessible and affordable to more people, please consider making a donation.

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check in Darby Calm check in Darby Calm

9/27/2022 Weekly Check In

Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time, energy, and attention to this week?

What will take the most energy this week and how can you plan around that?

What do you want to get done before the end of the month?

What are you shifting into next month?

What is a positive feeling or emotion you can nurture for yourself this week?

What does your head, your heart, and your body need this week?

How do you want to close out this week/month with intention?


Here are some powerful questions for self coaching that can help you plan and reflect on the week ahead:


What went well last week?  What didn’t go as planned?

What are the top 3 things to give your time, energy, and attention to this week?

What will take the most energy this week and how can you plan around that?

What do you want to get done before the end of the month?

What are you shifting into next month?

What is a positive feeling or emotion you can nurture for yourself this week?

What does your head, your heart, and your body need this week?

How do you want to close out this week/month with intention?

Self Care Practices


My HRV (heart rate variability has been lower than usual lately, due to ongoing life stressors. The two high peaks were from self care practices: hiking and taking a nap


What can you do for self care this week?


The is the beginning of the hike that was so good for my nervous system


What regulates your nervous system?


Support my work

Hey there! If you find what I do helpful and would like to support my work and make it more accessible and affordable to more people, please consider making a donation.

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