Decision Fatigue
Decision fatigue can be exhausting!
Working with a coach or a thinking partner can help you to think through both small and large decisions in your life.
What are ways you can simplify your life to reduce the number of decisions you have to make in a day?
How can you prioritize things to simplify your decisions? What do you want to put on the front burner? What can you put on the back burner? What can you take off your to do list?
What resources can you use to help you make your decisions? Can you reach out to people, read something helpful, revisit a tool or resource that was helpful in making decisions in the past?
What criteria can you create to help make decisions? Can you make decisions based on deadlines, priorities,
What can you simplify and reduce to reduce the overall amount of decisions you have to make?
What would be the consequences of not making this decision?
Other tools to help with decision fatigue:
Pro con lists
Values evaluation: is it aligned with who you are?
Vision: what will this decision and choice feel like in the future?
What advice would you give a friend about the decision?