December 2022
This retreat was getting back to more of who I am. I ran an experiment over the fall, trying to put work first to see how it would impact my productivity and overall wellness, and I definitely learned some lessons from its failures! The main activities of this retreat were exploring (hiking and biking in state parks), reading (lots of audiobooks!), coloring (using the Procreate app). I did maintain my part time teaching job, get good sleep (waking up without an alarm), and do minimal work organizing my media and systems, and worked some on my lit review. What I realized I was missing, especially from my experiment over the fall, was being active! This is the reset I needed. I find I am more productive when I have time in nature, time for my wind to unwind and process, to be mindful and present in each moment. When I do sit down to work, I can drop into deep flow. I have gotten so much done since I have been home! (still adventuring!)
Here are links to posts from this retreat:
(more being added…)