check in Darby Calm check in Darby Calm

Weekly Check In 3/22/2022

Weekly Check In March 22, 2022

Here are some questions for self coaching and reflection:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What 3 things do you want to give your time energy and attention to?

What would be a good start for this week?

What would you like your relationship to technology or to news media to look like this week?

What do you need this week?

What’s on your list to get done before Q1 ends? Or finish before the end of March?

#weeklycheckin #planning #reflection #selfcoach #priorities #selfcare

Here are some questions for self coaching and reflection:

What went well last week? What didn’t go as planned?

What 3 things do you want to give your time energy and attention to?

What would be a good start for this week?

What would you like your relationship to technology or to news media to look like this week?

What do you need this week?

What’s on your list to get done before Q1 ends? Or finish before the end of March?

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Darby Calm Darby Calm

March 2022

March 2022 Monthly Check In

Here are some questions for self coaching:

Reflect on February:

Who or what are you most grateful for in the month of February?

2 months into the year, what are the goals and projects where there is progress and growth?

What are you choosing grace over guilt about from February? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the memories you want to reflect on and document from February?

Lessons learned from February that I want to carry through the rest of the year:


Plan for March:

What do you want to say yes to? What do you want to say no to?

What is on your mind for the month of March that is stressful or worrisome? What do you have control over? What actions can you take?

Excited about or hopeful for in March?

What are your To Dos for March?

#monthlycheckin #reflect #plan #productivity #GTD #selfcare #brightspots #todolist #selfcoaching #selfcarecoach #conflictcoach

Monthly Check In

Here are some questions for self coaching:

Reflect on February:

Who or what are you most grateful for in the month of February?

2 months into the year, what are the goals and projects where there is progress and growth?

What are you choosing grace over guilt about from February? What didn’t go quite as planned?

What are the memories you want to reflect on and document from February?

Lessons learned from February that I want to carry through the rest of the year:


Plan for March:

What do you want to say yes to? What do you want to say no to?

What is on your mind for the month of March that is stressful or worrisome? What do you have control over? What actions can you take?

Excited about or hopeful for in March?

What are your To Dos for March?

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