Manatee Springs State Park: December 2022 Retreat


Drive into Manatee Springs State Park, past the camping areas to the spring head parking area.


Hike with me: a view of the cypress swamp from the boardwalk at Manatee Springs State Park


The Boardwalk Trail along the spring run at Manatee Springs State Park

Photos of a short hike along the boardwalk along the spring to the Suwannee River. Pictures include a trail map, spring water, cypress trees, and cold front clouds.


The Sink Loop Trail at Manatee Springs State Park


Hike a portion of the Sink Trail with me. Sinks are indentations in the ground that can open up into the water table, resulting in a spring. The sinks I saw along this trail were all dry. Further down in the photos are pictures of a sink full of water behind my campsite.

Sink Trail pictures include trail maps (one from Florida State Parks website) and pictures of flora along sink trail, and examples of sinks.


Camping at Manatee Springs State Park in the tent camping loop


Pictures from my campsite from the night. I slept in my vehicle because it was cold. Picture of my typical meal for the week, grading math tests into the evening, and a sink with spring water behind the campsite.


Parting thoughts on Manatee Springs State Park


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Alfred B. Maclay Gardens State Park: December 2022 Retreat


Hike with me: Jonathan Dickinson State Park Southern portion of green trail